WINIMED 10 (Stanozolol)
• CAS number: 10418-03-8
• Molecular Weight: 328.49 g/mol
• Formula: C21H32N2O

WINIMED 10 (Stanozolol)

WINIMED 10 (Stanozolol) is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is used for the treatment of anemia and hereditary angioedema which causes episodes of swelling of the face, extremities, genitals, bowel wall, and throat. It is manufactured in 10mg tablets which contain stanozolol 10mg and excipients.
Stanozolol Mechanism of Action
It is an anabolic steroid and acts on androgen receptors. Stanozolol has weak androgenic properties which makes it useful in the treatment of children. It also seems to enhance the production of the C1NH protein. Shortage of this protein is implicated in the development of hereditary angioedema. Even though it has weak androgenic properties it can still act on the kidneys to increase erythropoietin which leads to an increase in red cell production.
WINIMED 10 (Stanozolol) Dosage
0.5mg - 10mg taken orally daily.
Stanozolol Side effects
Hepatotoxicity, increase in weight, acne, mood variation, hirsutism, and postmenopausal bleeding.
Stanozolol Interactions
Anticoagulants, Antidiabetic drugs, insulin.
✓ Stanozolol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mg
✓ Excipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q.s

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