MK2866 10 (Ostarine)
• CAS number: 841205-47-8
• Molecular Weight: 389.33 g/mol
• Formula: C19H14F3N3O3

MK2866 10 by DEUS MEDICAL®
MK2866 10 (Ostarine)

MK2866 10 (Ostarine) is a research chemical, that is used in the treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis. MK2866 10 comes in 10mg tablets that comprise MK2866 (Ostarine) 10mg and excipients.
Ostarine Mechanism of Action
Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). SARMs are molecules that act on androgen receptors. androgen receptors, when stimulated by androgens, are responsible for male sexual characteristics (androgenic action) and the development of muscle bulk and bone mass (anabolic action). SARMs stimulate these receptors to cause an increase in lean body mass (fat-free mass) and improvement of bone density. They are preferred because they do not stimulate the androgen receptors to cause the development of male sexual characteristics, and this is why they are tagged "selective".
MK2866 10 Ostarine Dosage
10mg daily taken orally.
Ostarine Side Effects
Ostarine can increase the risk of liver damage, heart attack stroke.
Ostarine Interactions
Not available
✓ MK2866 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mg
✓ Excipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q.s

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