EVIMED 60 (Raloxifene HCL)
• CAS number: 82640-04-8
• Molecular Weight: 510.00 g/mol
• Formula: C28H28ClNO4S


EVIMED 60 (Raloxifene HCL) is a drug used by women to prevent and treat bone loss (osteoporosis) after menopause. It slows down bone loss and helps to keep bones strong, making them less likely to break. EVIMED 60 may also lower the chance of getting a certain type of breast cancer after menopause. EVIMED 60 is manufactured as 60mg tablets containing Raloxifene HCL 60mg and excipients.
Raloxifene Mechanism of Action
Raloxifene HCL belongs to a class of drugs known as selective estrogen receptor modulators-SERMs. It exhibits estrogenic activity in some tissues like the bone and liver, while it shows antiestrogenic activity in the breasts and uterus. In the bone, it increases bone density and that is why it is useful in treating osteoporosis. In the breast, it opposes estrogen activity, and this action is useful in the treatment and prevention of some types of breast cancers.
Raloxifene Dosage
60mg daily taken orally.
Raloxifene Side Effects
Hot flashes, Leg cramps, blood clots, vaginal dryness.
Raloxifene Interactions
Estrogen, cholestyramine, tibolone, and colestipol.
✓ Raloxifene HCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60mg
✓ Excipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q.s

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